Ubicomp participates in Winter School on Transnational Organised Crime -United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Vienna, Austria

The recently concluded Winter School on Transnational Organised Crime held in Vienna between January 13th and 24th, 2019, invited scholars and practitioners from different disciplines to examine a range of cross-cutting issues relating to laws, theory and research methods on organised crime, cyber-enabled crime, corruption and terrorism. The ten-day programme was organised by the Standing Group on Organised Crime of…

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Revealing effects of psychosocial factors in cancer

Project title: Revealing effects of psychosocial factors in cancer Timespan: 15.12.2017- 31.12.2018 (1st phase) Description: Financed by the Cancer Foundation of Finland, under the call “Grants for psychosocial cancer research”, the project aims to find out how psychosocial factors are valued by cancer patients, how such factors are presented in medical records, and if these factors affect treatment outcome. The…

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IT/IoT Business Creation

Project title: Cross Border Business Opportunities Creation Empowered by Modern IT and IoT Technologies (IT/IoT Business Creation- KA4033) Timespan: 30.10.2018-  30.10.2020 Description:  The IT/IoT Business Creation project plans to solve the problem of technological, business and environmental sustainability of aqua-culture (AC) SMEs in Republic of Karelia (Karelia) and Finland by empowering these SMEs with innovative solutions of Internet of Things…

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