Reboot Finland IoT Factory

Reboot Finland IoT Factory (Reboot IoT) is the new corporate and research ecosystem project funded by Business Finland, in collaboration with ABB, GE Healthcare, Nokia and Ponsse. The R&D activities are supported by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, under the coordination of Marko Jurvansuu, the Åbo Akademi and the University of Oulu, represented by the Faculty of Technology (TTK) and…

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GRAGE: Green & Grey Workshop and Open Day

The Centre for Ubiquitous Computing will host the GRAGE Project Workshop and Open Day on the 13 and 14th of September 2018, at Tellus Stage, Linnanmaa Campus. The event gathers international experts from academic and non-academic institutions, in the fields of ICT, Law, Economy and Humanities, members of the project consortium and guest lecturers to discuss the challenges of the…

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Ubicomp’18: 2 Demos accepted by UBICOMP!

The Center for Ubiquitous Computing will be present this year at Ubicomp’18 in Singapore with 2 demos. Make sure to say hi! Demo: Enabling Mid-air Browser Interaction with Leap Motion In this demo paper, we assess the performance of using mid-air gestures for web browsing. We built a Google Chrome extension to interface with the Leap Motion controller (LMC). In…

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MobileHCI’18: 3 Demos accepted by UBICOMP!

The Center for Ubiquitous Computing will be present this year at ACM MobileHCI’18 with three demos. Make sure to visit! S3: Environmental Fingerprinting with a Credit Card-sized NFC Powered Sensor Board People have become more aware about their environment and pay more attention to conditions, e.g., air quality, and UV light exposure. Conventional technologies for reading environmental conditions are expensive,…

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