The Centre for Ubiquitous Computing will host the GRAGE Project Workshop and Open Day on the 13 and 14th of September 2018, at Tellus Stage, Linnanmaa Campus. The event gathers international experts from academic and non-academic institutions, in the fields of ICT, Law, Economy and Humanities, members of the project consortium and guest lecturers to discuss the challenges of the elderly living in the urban environment. The event is opened to the academic community, local institutions and the general public. Welcome!

13th September
PART I – Open Day
10:00-10:30– Guided visit to the Ubicomp premises: DemoRoom– Lead: Paula Alavesa, PhD Researcher/Pentti Frederiksen, Laboratory Technician
10:40-11:15– Guided visit to the FabLab– Lead: Dr. Antti Mäntyniemi, Fab Lab Manager
11:15-12:15–Lunch & networking– Venue: Restaurant Foobar, Linnanmaa Campus
PART II- Workshop – Elderly living in urban settings – Tellus Stage
12:15-12:30– Introduction & Day’s Programme– Anabela Berenguer/ Mourad Oussalah, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Ubiquitous Computing, University of Oulu, Finland
12:30- 12:45– Older persons’ human rights in urban areas: current developments in European law– Laura Vagni, Associate Professor, University of Macerata, Italy
12:45- 13:00– Vertical Farms: a Sustainable Approach on Future Food Systems– Mr. Coen van Ruiten, HAS University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
13:00-13:15-Digital Assistance and its Advantages in Self-Monitoring Healthier Diets – Aku Visuri, PhD Researcher,Center for Ubiquitous Computing, University of Oulu, Finland
13:15- 13:30- Grey Smart Inventor: from concept to market, Olena Motuzenko, Associate Professor, Daryna Petlina, PhD- Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine, & Dr. M. Letizia Urbani, General Manager of Meccano SpA, Fabriano, Italy
13:30-13:45– Best practices at firm level on active ageing & green solutions– Silvia Leoni, PhD Researcher, University of Macerata, Italy
13:45- 14:00– Physiological Signal Analysis – Example Applications– Tapio Seppänen, Professor, Center for Machine Vision and Signal Analysis, University of Oulu, Finland
14:00- 14:15-Complimentary coffee break & networking
Part III- Workshop –Language & ICT tools for the elderly in urban context – Tellus Stage
14:15-14:30– Urban Space and Environmental Sustainability: a Language Analysis of Dutch Elderly–Paola Monachesi, Assistant Prof., University of Utrecht, Netherlands
14:30- 14:45– ICT Tools in Nursing Homes – the CARE Project– Simon Klakegg, PhD Researcher, Center for Ubiquitous Computing, University of Oulu, Finland
14:45-15:00- Big Data Mining & Deep Learning: How do Machines Perceive the Elderly– Panos Kostakos, Postdoctoral Researcher, Center for Ubiquitous Computing, University of Oulu, Finland
15:00- 15:15– Population ageing in the Arctic and Northern Russia’s context: New methods of measuring, raising elderly’ quality of life, and research collaboration– Anastasia Emelyanova, Postdoctoral Researcher, Thule Institute, University of Oulu, Finland
15:15- 15:30 – Q&As, general discussion & conclusion – Lead: Mourad Oussalah, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Ubiquitous Computing, University of Oulu, Finland
14th September
PART IV- Workshop- GRAGE project – Tellus Frost Club
10:00 – 10:30– Funding opportunities for joint projects– the GRAGE consortium– Petri Mononen, Research Funding Specialist, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Oulu, Finland
10:30-10:50– Tourism for the elderly– Mourad Oussalah, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Ubiquitous Computing, University of Oulu, Finland
10:50-11:10– Information and communication technology as a tool for improving business and social activity of the elderly in Ukraine– Oleksii Sinitsyn, Deputy Chairman of the Board for International Cooperation of the NGO “Philosophy of the Heart”, Ukraine & Olena Motuzenko, Associate Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
11:10- 11:30 – On the use of URLs and hashtags in age prediction of Twitter users- Abhinay Pandya, PhD Researcher, Center for Ubiquitous Computing, University of Oulu, Finland
11:30-13:30– Round table discussion: Paola Monachesi, Olena Motuzenko, Oleksii Sinitsyn, Coen van Ruiten, Anastasia Emelyanova, Mourad Oussalah, Abhinay Pandya, Panos Kostakos;
13:30 – Closing of Official Programme
Contact persons: Anabela Berenguer (; Mourad Oussalah (
Ubicomp’s DemoRoom: the VR experience (1) Ubicomp’s DemoRoom: the VR experience (2) Ubicomp’s DemoRoom: 3D scanner Ubicomp’s DemoRoom: exploring 3D models (1) Ubicomp’s DemoRoom: exploring 3D models (2) Fab Lab Oulu Fab Lab- laser cutter Fab Lab- 3D printing Fab Lab Oulu Introduction Workshop Social Data Mining – Mourad Oussalah Vertical farms- Coen van Ruiten Digital self-monitoring diet – Aku Visuri Grey Smart Inventor- Olena Motuzenko Best practices on active ageing- Silvia Leoni(1) Silvia Leoni(2) Workshop part I Physiological Signal Analysis- Tapio Seppänen (1) Affective Computing – Tapio Seppänen (2) Automatic emotion recognition from voice- Tapio Seppänen (3) Elderly’s human rights- Laura Vagni(1) Elderly’s human rights -Laura Vagni(2) Elderly’s human rights-Laura Vagni(3) Population ageing in the Arctic & Northern Russia- Anastasia Emelyanova (1) Population ageing in the Arctic & Northern Russia- Anastasia Emelyanova (2) Workshop Part II Urban Space & Environmental Sustainability- a language analysis of Dutch Elderly- Paola Monachesi (1) Urban Space & Environmental Sustainability- a language analysis of Dutch Elderly- Paola Monachesi (2) Urban Space & Environmental Sustainability- a language analysis of Dutch Elderly- Paola Monachesi (3) How do Machines Perceive the Elderly- Panos Kostakos (1) How do Machines Perceive the Elderly- Panos Kostakos (2) ICT Tools in Nursing Homes- Simon Klakegg (1) ICT Tools in Nursing Homes- Simon Klakegg (2) Funding Opportunities for the Grage Consortium – Petri Mononen (1) Funding Opportunities for the Grage Consortium – Petri Mononen (2) Workshop Part III (1) Tourism for the Elderly- Mourad Oussalah Workshop Part III (2) ICT for Improving Business & Social Activity of the Elderly in Ukraine – Oleksii Sinitsyn (1) ICT for Improving Business & Social Activity of the Elderly in Ukraine – Oleksii Sinitsyn (2) ICT for Improving Business & Social Activity of the Elderly in Ukraine – Oleksii Sinitsyn (3) Workshop Part III (3) ICT for Improving Business & Social Activity of the Elderly in Ukraine – Oleksii Sinitsyn (4) ICT for Improving Business & Social Activity of the Elderly in Ukraine – Oleksii Sinitsyn (5) Use of URLs & Hashtags to Predict Age of Twitter Users- Abhinay Pandya (1) Use of URLs & Hashtags to Predict Age of Twitter Users- Abhinay Pandya (2) Use of URLs & Hashtags to Predict Age of Twitter Users- Abhinay Pandya (3) Workshop Part III -round table discussion