Quick info
- Submit max 6 pages PDF in the SIGCHI Extended Abstract archival format via email to wmsc2016@ee.oulu.fi.
- Non-anonymized
- Submission deadline: June 14, 2016 (extended)
WMSC ’16 invites papers for the Second International Workshop on Mobile and Situated Crowdsourcing, co-located with the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp 2016). The day-long workshop will be held on September 13 2016, before the main conference. The workshop will be conducted as a single mini-track, in which each participant will present his/her workshop paper (10 minutes), followed by a short (5 minutes) discussion. The workshop will also include panel discussion and informal coffee breaks for networking with other researchers.
The first objective of this workshop is to provide a shared forum for researchers interested in crowdsourcing using ubiquitous technologies. This includes researchers who are interested in crowdsourcing but have mainly utilised online platforms as well as researchers who could benefit from conducting their crowdsourcing experiments using mobile and other ubiquitous technologies.
We hope this workshop will make an impact as a venue for crowdsourcing researchers to join and share their knowledge, experience reports, novel applications and ideas.
The long-term objective of this workshop is to foster a community interested in conducting crowdsourcing experiments beyond the desktop, leveraging ubiquitous technologies for this purpose.
Topics of interest
We encourage contributions especially in the following key topics and considering a mobile or situated crowdsourcing context:
- APPLICATIONS: crowdsourcing applications that can benefit from being conducted using mobile or situated technologies as opposed to using online platforms.
- QUALITY CONTROL AND INCENTIVES: designing crowdsourcing applications that encourage truthful responses.
- METHODOLOGIES: methods and methodologies used for gathering and evaluating crowd contributions.
- BEHAVIOURS: providing an understanding of crowd behaviours.
The workshop papers must be in the SIGCHI Extended Abstract archival format, up to 6 pages. You do not need to anonymise the submissions. All submissions should be emailed in .PDF format to wmsc2016@ee.oulu.fi with the subject line “WMSC’16 workshop submission”. The papers will be peer-reviewed accordingly for their significance to the overall workshop themes by the technical program committee of the workshop.
The accepted workshop papers will be added to the ACM Digital Library and the supplemental proceedings. Furthermore, a journal article combining the most interesting contributions from the accepted workshop papers will be submitted to a future international journal issue.
Important dates
- Deadline for submissions: June 14, 2016 (extended)
- Notifications: June 28, 2016
- Camera-ready workshop papers deadline: July 5, 2016
- WMSC’16 workshop: September 13, 2016
WMSC ’13 organizers
- Jorge Goncalves, University of Oulu, Finland
- Simo Hosio, University of Oulu, Finland
- Maja Vukovic, IBM TJ Watson, USA
- Shin’ichi Konomi, University of Tokyo, Japan
- Uichin Lee, KAIST, South Korea
Workshop homepage: https://ubicomp.oulu.fi/wmsc2016/
Conference homepage: http://ubicomp.org/ubicomp2016