Crowd Computing (CC)

The Crowd Computing research group investigates distributed forms of work, where the tasks are too challenging for computers alone. Given the recent advances in AI, it is now imperative to identify and harness the unique aspects of human cognition and develop ways for humans and algorithms to collaborate seamlessly across different domains. 


Digital Health; We employ mobile sensing through wearable computing and smartphones to build interactive and crowd-powered digital health solutions. Some of our core foci here include improved wellbeing in terms of sleep and mental health, and investigating mHealth solutions for chronic pain.

Crowdsourcing and human computation; We investigate novel crowdsourcing and human computation processes as well as the fundamental human characteristics that affect digital labour: motivation, data quality, and social aspects of work.

Applied & Interactive Systems; We build and study solutions that harness the crowds across different application domains. Examples of such systems include crowd-powered decision support through modelling large-scale subjective data or creativity support through on-demand access to crowd cognition. 

Selected Publications


Kuutila M, Kiili C, Kupiainen R, Huusko E, Li J, Hosio S, Mäntylä M, Coiro J, Kiili K (2024)
Revealing complexities when adult readers engage in the credibility evaluation of social media posts
Computers in Human Behaviour (CHB) –


Kuosmanen E, Huusko E, Van Berkel N, Nunes F, Vega J, Goncalves J, Khamis M, Esteves A, Ferreira D & Hosio S (2023)
Exploring Crowdsourced Self-Care Techniques: A Study on Parkinson’s Disease
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS) –

Kheirinejad S, Visuri A, Suryanarayana S & Hosio S (2023)
Exploring mHealth Applications for Self-Management of Chronic Low Back Pain: A Survey of Features and Benefits
Heliyon –

Paananen V, Kiarostami S, Lee LH, Braudt T, Hosio S (2023)
From Digital Media to Empathic Spaces: A Systematic Review of Empathy Research in Extended Reality Environments
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) –

Kheirinejad S, Visuri A, Ferreira D & Hosio S (2022)
“Leave Your Smartphone Out of Bed”: Quantitative Analysis of Smartphone Use on Sleep Quality
In Personal and Ubiquitous Computing –


Kuosmanen E, Visuri A, Kheirinejad S, van Berkel N, Koskimäki H, Ferreira D & Hosio S (2022)
How Does Sleep Tracking Influence Your Life? Experiences from a Longitudinal Field Study with a Wearable Ring*
In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction (Mobile HCI ’22) –
* Best Paper Honourable Mention Award

Asare KO, Moshe I, Terhorst Y, Vega J, Hosio S, Baumaister H, Pulkki-Råback L & Ferreira D (2022)
Mood ratings and digital biomarkers from smartphone and wearable data differentiates and predicts depression status: A longitudinal data analysis
Pervasive and Mobile Computing –

Alorwu A, Visuri A, van Berkel N & Hosio S (2022)
(Re)using Crowdsourced Health Data: Perceptions of Data Contributors
IEEE Software –


Alorwu A, Kheirinejad S, Van berkel N, Kinnula M, Ferreira D, Visuri A & Hosio S (2021)
Assessing MyData Scenarios: Ethics, Concerns, and the Promise
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2021 (CHI’21) –

Visuri A, Van Berkel N, Goncalves J, Rawassizadeh R, Ferreira D, Kostakos V (2021)
Understanding usage style transformation during long-term smartwatch use
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing –


Simo Hosio : Associate Professor

Simo Hosio
Associate Professor
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Aku Visuri : Academy Postdoctoral Researcher

Aku Visuri
Academy Postdoctoral Researcher
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Mahmoud Badri : Doctoral researcher (part-time)

Mahmoud Badri
Doctoral researcher (part-time)
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Saba Kheirinejad : Doctoral researcher

Saba Kheirinejad
Doctoral researcher
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Junhao Li : Doctoral researcher

Junhao Li
Doctoral researcher
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Dániel Szabó : Research Assistant

Dániel Szabó
Research Assistant
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Mohammadreza Sadeghi : Research Assistant

Mohammadreza Sadeghi
Research Assistant
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Bishwas Wagle : Research Assistant

Bishwas Wagle
Research Assistant
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Shanaka Niranjan : Research Assistant

Shanaka Niranjan
Research Assistant
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  1. Dr. Ville Paananen
  2. Mähä Eldamnhory
  3. Kavindu Magalage
  4. Achira Hendalage
  5. Niloofar Meftahi
  6. Katri Säily
  7. Dr. Denzil Ferreira
  8. Dr. Kennedy Opoku Asare
  9. Dr. Andy Alorwu
  10. Dr. Sharadhi Suryanarayana
  11. Joonas Moilanen
  12. Danial Khaledi
  13. Piushana Abeygunawardena
  14. Maha Eldamnhory
  15. Eetu Huusko
  16. Sina Kiarostami
  17. Dr. Elina Kuosmanen
  18. Dr. Jonas Oppenlaender

Funded Projects

SleepVention: Academy Research Fellow (Aku Visuri, 2023-2027) + research costs: A Data-driven recommender platform for improving sleep and wellbeing through digital tracking and interventions

AIM: Academy Research Fellow (Simo Hosio, 2022-2027) + research costs: Crowdsourcing Clinically Relevant, Non-Biased Datasets for Medical Artificial Intelligence

Academy of Finland & JSPS Bilateral Mobility Funding between University of Oulu (Finland) and University of Tokyo (Japan): Culturally Adaptive Conversational Agents for Mental Health Self-Care in Higher Education

CRITICAL: An Academy of Finland (Strategic Research Council) project on Technological and Societal Innovations to Cultivate Critical Reading in the Internet Era

GenZ: Generation Z and beyond: Co-evolution of human capabilities and intelligent technologies in the 21st century (GenZ)

ICON: Interventions and Contextual Understanding for Low Back Pain Research