PRINCE project Kick-off Meeting

The European and Development Program Management Office (EDPD) of the Ministry of Citizen Protection in Athens, Greece organized the inaugural meeting of project PRINCE – Preparedness & Response for CBRN-E INCidEnts,  which took place on May 27, 2019. The project involves the development of new methods for the prevention, investigation, training and preparation to deal with chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear…

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PRINCE Project attends toxic gas mass casualty field trial organised by the TOXI-Triage project in Mikkeli, Finland

PRINCE project PI Panos Kostakos, at the Centre for Ubiquitous Computing, attended the gas attack exercise on the Mikkeli market on the 22nd May 2019. Part of the H2020 TOXI-Triage project, the field trial tested, amongst other features, a respiratory gas analyser and a device for detecting toxic chemicals and gases. The simulation required the cooperation between authorities, involving a…

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Reboot Finland IoT digital twin adaptation research awarded at Automaatiopäivät 23

Reboot Finland IoT digital twin adaptation research awarded at Automaatiopäivät 23 Riku-Pekka Nikula received the Best Presentation award at the Automaatiopäivät23 (link) seminar in Oulu on 16.5.2019. The event, organised every two years by the Finnish Automation Society, combines topics from the industry and research with the focus on process, factory and production automation and digitalisation. About sixty current scientific…

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 ABIDI: Context-aware and Veracious Big Data Analytics for Industrial IoT

Project title: ABIDI -Context-aware and Veracious Big Data Analytics for Industrial IoT Timespan: 01.09.2019 – 31.08.2022 Description: Industry’s transition to the digital world has already reaped benefits such as fully automated processes and cost savings and has paved the way for novel services and business models. However, the challenges of data-driven autonomous and context-aware systems that enable the automated processes in…

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