Our research is featured in the news

Notable mentions of our research in media include: The Economist: Buddy, can you spare a Watt? (30/4/2016) Nielsen Norman group: 3D Touch on iPhone 6S: Embrace the Force (1/11/2015) New Scientist: Magnetic messages let smartphones receive secret data (3/7/2014) New Scientist: Use a bus stop touchscreen to kill time – and help out (31/7/2013) Huffington Post: Understanding Humanitarian Disasters Through Citizen Communication (6/8/2013)…

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Special Session on Intelligent Internet of Things

Member of the Center for Ubiquitous Computing Xiang Su is organizing a Special session on Intelligent Internet of Things in IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics – SMC 2016, October 9-12, 2016, Budapest, Hungary. Other co-organizer is Associate Professor Yuhong Li from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China). Description: Internet of Things (IoT) has been considered as…

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3D Oulu Hackathon is Open for Registration

  3D Oulu hackathon (1-3. Apr. 2016) is an event for creating and inventing new applications and services on top of the 3D city. The event is suited to both experienced and less experienced developers and designers. Recruitment is targeted towards both students and professionals. Best projects on both tracks are rewarded with a 100€ gift voucher for each member…

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