
CUTLER’s 6th Plenary Meeting – Antalya, Turkey

CUTLER’s 6th plenary meeting has been successfully completed in the beautiful seaside city of Antalya, Turkey. During the meeting, which took place between the 1st and 3rd of October 2019, the consortium had the opportunity to discuss, amongst others, the progress of the integration of the pilot specific dashboards that are used by the policy makers to specify their decisions.…

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CUTLER project releases concept video

CUTLER,  a Research and Innovation Action project funded under the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union, has released its concept video.  CUTLER’s goal is to harvest the rich basis of data offered by the existing infrastructures for sensing the environment, the society and the economic activity, to build the data mining and visualisation tools for extracting actionable knowledge out of these…

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Distinguished Paper Award – Ubicomp 2019

Paper’s authors receive the Distinguished Paper Award, at Ubicomp 2019 (from left to right: Vassilis Kostakos, Zhanna Sarsenbayeva, Niels van Berkel (University of Melbourne, Australia) and Aku Visuri (University of Oulu, Finland).   Our paper entitled “Assisted Medication Management in Elderly Care Using Miniaturised Near-Infrared Spectroscopy”, by Klakegg et al. was the recipient of the Distinguished Paper Award, at the…

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PRINCE project Kick-off Meeting

The European and Development Program Management Office (EDPD) of the Ministry of Citizen Protection in Athens, Greece organized the inaugural meeting of project PRINCE – Preparedness & Response for CBRN-E INCidEnts,  which took place on May 27, 2019. The project involves the development of new methods for the prevention, investigation, training and preparation to deal with chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear…

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