
3D Oulu Hackathon is Open for Registration

  3D Oulu hackathon (1-3. Apr. 2016) is an event for creating and inventing new applications and services on top of the 3D city. The event is suited to both experienced and less experienced developers and designers. Recruitment is targeted towards both students and professionals. Best projects on both tracks are rewarded with a 100€ gift voucher for each member…

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The first UBICOMP Thesis Information event

On Thursday 28th of January our group held an open event, presenting the past and future work of the research unit to our students. The event was attended by a full audience of both students as well as our staff. The presenters consisted of Aku Visuri, Denzil Ferreira, Marko Jurmu and Ekaterina Gilman. The presentations gave a good overview of…

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Special Issue on Mobile and Situated Crowdsourcing

Members of the Center for Ubiquitous Computing Dr. Jorge Goncalves and Dr. Simo Hosio are editing a Special Issue on Mobile and Situated Crowdsourcing in the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS). Other co-editors are Dr. Maja Vukovic from IBM TJ Watson (USA) and Associate Professor Shin’ichi Konomi from the University of Tokyo (Japan). This special issue aims to present a…

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Join Christmas fabrication for charity

Our FabLab is going to have the doors open for everyone from 14th to 17th December, 12.00 to 20.00 for fabricating Christmas gifts for the charity. Some basic supplies are from the lab and people can add their own. We will at least have plywood and acrylic plates for laser cutter and filaments for 3D printers and some materials for sewing. We are planning…

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