
Computer Science at University of Oulu in Top 100

In the most recent global university ranking by the Times Higher Education (2017 edition), the University of Oulu was ranked 98th for Computer Science, and was evaluated as the strongest discipline of our university.  The Center for Ubiquitous Computing, along with the other computing-related research groups at the University of Oulu, warmly welcomes this assessment. This outcome reflects the growing ambition of the…

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Human-Smartphone Interaction towards Personality and Usage Effects

This project is carried out by Wuhan University, Central China Normal University, Sun Yat-sen University, Shandong Technology and Business University, Aalto University and University of Oulu. This project mainly focus on: Phone users’ personality and their phone usage patterns; Effects related to phone usage patterns; Data analysis techniques of phone data. The AWARE framework (http://www.awareframework.com/) will serve for the data…

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Our research is featured in the news

Notable mentions of our research in media include: The Economist: Buddy, can you spare a Watt? (30/4/2016) Nielsen Norman group: 3D Touch on iPhone 6S: Embrace the Force (1/11/2015) New Scientist: Magnetic messages let smartphones receive secret data (3/7/2014) New Scientist: Use a bus stop touchscreen to kill time – and help out (31/7/2013) Huffington Post: Understanding Humanitarian Disasters Through Citizen Communication (6/8/2013)…

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State-of-the-art FabLab opens

The University of Oulu’s FabLab (Fabrication Laboratory), the largest in Finland and amongst the largest in Europe, was officially opened on October 30th 2015. The state-of the-art €900,000 facility spans more than 280 m2 and is packed with tools that can bring any idea to life. These tools include: 3D printers that can be used to turn a 3D model into a physical object.…

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